Monday, December 17, 2012

Diigo 12/18

As a new Blog Post, answer the following:
What's another way we can organize your computers? What about email? Your Favorite Websites? Your Blog Posts? RSS Feeds? Reply to this post with specific ways, websites that can help you, and anything else you would want to add.

  1. Another way to organize things such as photos, bookmarks, Rss Feeds, etc is to put them on one file.
  2. For e-mails, you can use hashtags or even save e-mails into certain folders. You also have the opportunity to mark them as read or unread for better organization.
  3. I would create a folder and keep all my favorite websites in them so they would be easier to access and i'd be able to get to them quickly.
  4. I title my blog posts, so that i know what the articles and blogs are about without having to open them.
  5. Using google will help to research information & using diigo made bookmarking much easier, efficient, organized, and quicker

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is the way of organizing files like photos music videos documents, etc. They can be put into folders or 'hashtags'. It is a much easier way to save store and manage files and to acess them easier and faster.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tech Article 12/7

Basis watch keeps eye on health


         Basis Science has invented a special watch that tracks a person's health. This watch amazingly measures heart rate, body movement, skin temperature, and sleep. The watch style gadget has starting price of 199 dollars. This watch shows an optical blood flow monitor that uses light to detect how hard your heart is beating. Like other fitness tools, the Basis watch has a three- axis accelerometer to record how much you move and how active you are. These are just a few of the benefits of the Basis watch, but it seems to be worth the amount of money.

RSS Feed Questions

 1.Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?

   - I selected the sites that i did because they caught my attention with their recent story updates with tech news, government issues, and my personal interests.

  2.Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?

  - Yes, very.

  3.Which sites were your favorites?

  - My favorite sites were found in the personal folder like People Magazine, TMZ, Star Magazine, etc.

  4.What else can you use RSS feeds for?

  - RSS Feeds can also be used to keep track of recent things that i need to be updated on. For example, local news. It can also be used to organize important websites needed for work or education.

  5.How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?

  - It was hard to get used to at first, but i will probably use it more than i did in the past because i have learned new things about how simple RSS feeds can be.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tech Article 11/30

Silent but deadly: Special forces seek quiet, subsonic bullets

Click here for article.
Commandos attack during an exercise at Fort Bragg in April 2012.                               
                Most bullets make small sonic booms when flying through the air, which to our ears sound like a loud, distinct "crack!" Now the commandos want to be sneakier with slower, quieter bullets. In its latest round of small-business solicitations, the Pentagon's Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, is seeking out subsonic ammunition. The reason, according to the solicitation, is to "provide superior covert and stealth capabilities" for not only the military, but police forces and the Department of Homeland Security. The Pentagon has one idea about how to build a better subsonic bullet. One solution could be using "polymer cased ammunition". The Pentagon is somewhat vague about how this will work. Special forces 'want to be sneakier with slower, quieter bullets'.The quieter bullets would travel slowly enough not to break the sound barrier. Subsonic bullets pose a greater risk of jamming.

RSS Feeds




Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tech article 11/16

How to Devise Passwords That Drive Hackers Away


                According to statistics, hacking into computers and such has risen at an all time high. More and more people are hacking into e-mails, blogs, social websites, etc. This article will prevent statistics from rising anymore. Things to remember while making passwords for websites:

Forget the Dictionary: Do not use basic words or even your simple name.

Never use the same password twice: Doing so can increase your chances of getting hacked because if a person hacks into one account they can hack into another.
Come up with a passphrase: The longer your password, the longer it will take to crack. A password should ideally be 14 characters or more in length if you want to make it untraceable.

Store your passwords securely: Doing so will lessen the chances of a hacker finding your passwords list which will obviously prevent hacking into your sites.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tech Article 11/6/12

     Self-driving cars now legal in California

                                                              Click here for Tech Article


California is the latest state to allow testing of Google's self-driving cars on the roads, though only with a human passenger along as a safety measure.

The cars use a combination of technologies, including radar sensors on the front, video cameras aimed at the surrounding area, various other sensors and artificial-intelligence software that helps steer. Google is the most visible company working on these types of vehicles, but similar projects are under way at other organizations, including Caltech.

There have been no accidents while the cars were controlled by the computer. The only documented accident with one of the Google vehicles was a fender bender that took place while a human was in control.

People hope to legally have self driving cars on the road in five years or less.

Monday, October 22, 2012


  • What are the benefits of using a wiki?
    • The benefits of using wiki are that you can get a broad, general, and accurate background information on any topic. 
  • How can we create one in this class and utilize it?
    • We can create one in this class and utilize it by creating an account first.
  • What experience do you have using or creating wikis?
    • The experience i have with wiki is for information i use on school assignments. I never use it to cite sources; just to get a general understanding of a topic.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Bra That Could Detect Cancer

           A bra that could detect cancer

                                                                                  Click Here for Article!!

First Warning Systems has just recently created a bra that just might detect cancer. The bra is equipped with sensors that detect temperature changes in breast tissue. According to the company's website, the data generated by the sports bra ca predict the presence of breast cancer with 90% specificity and sensitivity. Women must wear it for at least 12 hours so the bra can accumulate enough information for stable temperature changes. It then splits up the results: if it is benign, normal, or suspected. This bra is also a great fashionable fit for athletes!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Look at the Motorcycle of the Future

                     A Look at the Motorcycle of the Future


               Motorcycles are great ways to get around on the road, but when it comes to getting in an accident (which almost everyone driving a vehicle is prone to) they are not the safest vehicle to drive around. Well to solve these problems, Daniel Kim a chief executive, had been improving this idea. Him and the people he had worked with in his company have created a motorcycle equipped like a car; the C-1. This idea basically cuts the car in half to look like a more equipped, safer vehicle and still with holding the concepts of being a motorcycle.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tech Article 10/4

                      How to remember every day of your life

          Cesar Kuriyama has filmed everyday of his life for one year for his "1 Second Everyday" project

          He says the project has helped him live in a manner he won't regret when looking back at the finished video

          There is a mobile application in development that will help people create similar projects

          Cesar Kuriyama had taken off one year of work and in result has created at least one second of each day of his life hence the "1 Second Everyday Project".

                                           How to remember every day of your life video

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Google Cameras Go Under the Sea!

             Stunning undersea panoramas now on Google Street View

 In this article, scientists have discovered a way to take cameras undersea. You will soon be able to view the underwater world from home. Google Maps technology allows you to view streets and houses. This is in the sam manner as underwater cameras in which you will soon be able to view from your computer as well (live).

Click here for tech article

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tech Article 9/21

   Kinect helps TV shows talk to your kids

In this article,Larry Frum talks about how Microsoft will be joining television shows to make a better experience for children. This can be made possible by a motion sensor and a voice recognition software from Microsoft's Kinect system in Xbox. "Kinect Sesame Street" will be one of the shows in which a child can communicate with. For instance, Grover will ask the child how many coconuts are in a box. A set time will be given for the child to answer; approximately five seconds. 

Click here for tech article!

Summer 2012

                                    Summer 2012

     Over the summer, I got to wake up late everyday. I mostly hung out with my friends and went down the shore a lot. I also spent most of my time with my sister because she went off to college this year. Summer basketball league also took up a majority of my summer. Most importantly, i stayed out of trouble. My summer was especially great this year and Summer 2012 might have very well been the best summer yet. 

Click here for summer link!

This is a picture of a ferris wheel in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Hello my name is Katrina Fechter. I am 16 years old. Welcome. I like sports like basketball and football. I take classes like English, US History II, Chemistry, Web 2.0, Algebra II, Gym, Lunch, Spanish II. I like animals as well as sports. Dogs and cats entertain me. I spend most of my tiume with my friends. ta-da.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tech Article 9/14

"Your Smartphone Is Going To Replace Your Car"

          This article talks about smartphones eventually replacing cars. Joe Kraus predicts that a smartphone can take you from point A to point B by simply firing up their smartphones and scrolling through their transportation menus, finding a service they like and request it. Car services such as;  Uber, Lyft, SideCar, RelayRides, and Getaround, have already been requested through a smartphone for car services.